Bowling Scorekeeper

Start New Game: Record your scores (details below in “Recording Scores”.

Scoreboard: View list of all saved scores. Trashcan button deletes all saved scores. CSV button to export all scores and details. Bowling ball button to start a new game. Tap score row to delete a single row.

Stats: Total Games, Average Score, Best Game, Worst Game, First Ball Pinfall Average, Strike Rate and Spare Rate. “Percentage of Pins Hit” with the red circles shows the percentage of each pin knocked down. Below that the breakdown for percentage of pins hit for the ball rolled (“3rd Ball %” is just for the pins hit when you have 3 rolls in the 10th frame). You can filter by today’s scores, last 30 days, last 6 months, last 365 days and all scores.

Export All Scores / CSV: You can export all your scores and details (including scores, pins knocked down and notes). CSV file can also be opened in excel.

Recording Scores:
First roll: If you knocked down all pins, tap the “STRIKE” button, then below the scores tap the red “FRAME 2>” button to move on to the next frame. If you didn’t knock down all the pins, tap the pins that you knocked down and then tap the green “BALL 1” button. If you knocked down no pins, tap the green “BALL 1” button.

If second roll: If you knocked down all of the remaining pins, tap the “SPARE” button. If you didn’t knock down all the pins, tap the pins that knocked down and then tap the green “BALL 2” button. If you knocked down no pins, tap the green “BALL 2” button. When finished, tap the red “FRAME 2>” button to move on to the next frame.

Optional Note: On each frame there is an option for making a short note (limit of 50 characters in frames 1 thru 9 and 70 characters for the 10th frame. These notes can be viewed later on the CSV file.

Repeat for each frame.

When you get to the 10th frame:
First roll: If you knocked down all pins, tap the “STRIKE” button. If you didn’t knock down all the pins, tap the pins you knocked down and then tap the green “BALL 1” button. If you knocked down no pins, tap the green “BALL 1” button.

Second roll: If your first roll was a strike and you knocked down al the pins on this 2nd roll, tap the “STRIKE” button. If the first roll wasn’t a strike and you knocked down all of the remaining pins this roll, tap the “SPARE” button. If you didn’t knock down all the pins, tap the pins that you did knock down and then tap the green “BALL 2” button. If you knocked down no pins, tap the green “BALL 2” button.

If third roll: If you roll a strike, tap the “STRIKE” button. If you knocked down all of the remaining pins, tap the “SPARE” button. If you didn’t knock down all the pins, tap the pins that you did knock down and then tap the green “BALL 3” button. If you knocked down no pins, tap the green “BALL 3” button.

When finished tap the red “SAVE GAME” button. You will now see today’s scores. Below the scores you’ll see which pins were knocked down for each frame. Red = pins knocked down 1st ball roll. White = pins knocked down 2nd ball roll. A dash (“-“) represents the pins that are not knocked down. On the 10th frame when there are 3 balls rolled - for complete details, view the CSV file.

Stats include: Total Games saved, Average Score of games played, Best Game score, Worst Game score, First Ball Average, Strike Rate and Spare Average (percentage of spares scored out of possible spares).

   Please reach out to the developer with any questions, comments or feedback.